How to upload products through SalesPlay Back Office

Nov 16 2021

Congratulations! You have now downloaded and installed the SalesPlay app and confirmed the email. Now let’s get you started with the product upload. If you are a long time business or a start up, you would probably have a bulk of products to be transferred to the POS.


Follow these steps and let us take you through it step by step.


                    Go to SalesPlay Backoffice→Products→Product List→Add Product




          1. Add Product Information: Product name,product code and barcode (optional).



a) Sold by each: Choose measurement criteria for the product from the drop-down menu. (that is kg, g , l, lb, m)



 b) Add category and sub category (Create categories and subcategories: Backoffice → Products →  Categories→  Add category)



         2. Add Price Information:

a)Regular unit price: Keeping this empty allows you to use a custom price on the user interface

b)Enable Price change:

c)Add Regular Unit cost



          3. Add Additional Options.




a)Composite product: Composite product contains a collection of other products which you can sell as a whole.

b)Combo product: With the combo product you can choose a collection of other products which you can sell, based on the customer's choice.

c)Variant product: You can choose the variant product if it has different attributes such as colors, sizes etc. 

d)Ingredient product: Choose this if it is an ingredient item that will not be available for sale, but you can track the item. And add it as a composite product later.



           4. Stock Control: Enable Stock control if you want to manage inventory levels



           5. Select the shop(s) that the product is available for sale



            6. Upload product image and save the changes.




Upload products in bulk through SalesPlay Back office

If you have a large quantity of products and wish to enter it in bulk you have 2 options.



Option 1: Use the provided template

Go to SalesPlay Backoffice→Products→Product List→Import




You can download the excel format which will look like this and upload the file once it’s done.




You can Drag and drop  files with the products details



Click below link for further support:

How to Bulk Upload Categories & Products: How to Bulk Upload Categories & Products


Option 2: Reach out to us!

If you already have an excel sheet or database with all this information, but have no time to convert to this particular format, Contact SalesPlay customer support with the file you already have and we can convert data to the suitable format to enable bulk upload.


Contact SalesPlay Support: [email protected]