SalesPlay POS is a Point of Sale software that enables users to create and manage their shops online. SalesPlay can be used in diverse industries to keep track of products, stock and even employees. This cloud-based software is available on Google Play Store.
Setting up your SalesPlay App is easy. All you need is an active internet connection and an email address to start off with. Follow the below steps and let’s get you onboard real quick.
2. Open SalesPlay App and click on “Registration”.
4. Confirm the SalesPlay account activation email received to your inbox.
When you click on Complete Registration, you will be directed to the SalesPlay Back office where you can manage all the set up functions easily, allocate permissions, integrate with other terminals and most importantly track your daily performance stats such as revenue and net profit.
Click below link for further support:
Let's Register with SalesPlay POS App
Need help setting up?
Reach out to us. Contact SalesPlay Support: [email protected]